Presidential discourse in Peru: comparative analysis and social issues in the speech of five presidents (2016-2023)




Political communication, presidential discourse, semantic analysis, lexical frequencies, Peruvian reality


The importance of investigating the political discourse of a country lies in understanding the intrinsic complexity of political communication directed by its leaders. Hence, the importance of expanding the previous analysis of presidential speeches in Peru, transmitted in real time through the media, which is the objective of this study. For this purpose, the time frame is delimited between 2018 and 2023, covering a linguistic corpus that exceeds 105 000 words, distributed in 60 speeches made by five political leaders. With the application of a methodology that merges the ethnography of communication and the analysis of lexical frequencies, we seek to understand the communicative dynamics, semantic values and content of these speeches. The results highlight the variability in discursive practices, evidencing a convergence in the use of key words that highlight the importance of the country and the ability of the leaders to establish representation and inclusion. In addition, the shared concern for corruption and the emphasis on health during the pandemic; the strategic relevance of certain terms in the construction of social cohesion and collective identity; as well as marked centralism in the presidential speeches analyzed are highlighted.


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Author Biography

  • Rafael Robles Olivos, University of San Martín de Porres

    Journalist, researcher and university professor. Author of the books "Free Press in Peru" (2013) and "Financial Journalism in Peru" (2014), both published by the USMP. Candidate for a doctorate in Journalism from the Complutense University of Madrid, with a thesis on social networks, media and misinformation.

    Master in Journalism and Multimedia Communication and graduate in Communication Sciences at the University of San Martín de Porres, a university where he has also been coordinator of the Research Institute of Communication Sciences, editor of the scientific journal Correspondencias & Analysis and of the magazine institutional Veritas, teacher, researcher and thesis advisor. He has taught and advised thesis at the Technological University of Peru (UTP).

    Winner of the national Etecom chronicles award (Fundación Telefónica), he has written for the Huffington Post (Spain), Somos magazine, the weekly Domingo of the newspaper La República, among other Peruvian publications. He has participated in international academic conferences with research on media in digital environments.


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How to Cite

Robles Olivos, R. (2023). Presidential discourse in Peru: comparative analysis and social issues in the speech of five presidents (2016-2023). Correspondences & Analysis, 18, 43-65.


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