Ethical policies

Editorial ethics

Ethical commitments

Conflicts of interest

Complaints and appeals

Detección de similitud

Sobre conductas poco éticas

Sanciones a conductas inadecuadas

Responsabilidad de los editores

Responsabilidad de los autores

Responsabilidad de los revisores

Editorial ethics

Correspondences & Analysis assumes and promotes the highest practices of editorial ethics. provides conflict of interest guidelines, ethical responsibilities, anti-plagiarism policies, among others .

Ethical commitments

Correspondences & Analysis subscribes to an ethical commitment of all the actors involved in the management and publication of the articles: editorial committee, authors and reviewers of the manuscripts received, following the guidelines established by the Committee's Code of Conduct and Best Practices Guidelines for Journals Editors on Publication Ethics (COPE), as well as by the Code of Ethics for research of the University of San Martín de Porres (USMP). The authors must indicate in the method section that all data collection procedures carried out with the participants (tests, interviews, recordings, videos, etc.) have been carried out after obtaining informed consent.

Conflicts of interest

The authors must indicate in detail in the manuscript if there is any type of conflict of interest to be submitted for evaluation. Conflicts of interest can be moral, economic, labor or research.

Complaints and appeals

Correspondences & analysis makes it available to all authors, reviewers and the general public who have the email so that they can make their queries, comments, complaints and/or observations. In turn, the editorial committee of the journal may make appeals that are related to non-compliance with any of the publication standards, plagiarism, evaluation reports, conduct of members of the editorial team, author standards, among others where they are the authors, reviewers and the editorial team are immersed. For any type of appeal, a letter to the editor must be sent to the email indicating in detail what happened. The letter will be carefully reviewed by the editor and a response will be given in the shortest possible time via email.

Sanctions for inappropriate behavior

The set of inappropriate behaviors includes: data falsification, data manipulation in favor of results, indiscriminate use of self-citations and unjustified authorship. If any of these bad practices are found in any manuscript, the editorial committee will evaluate the case and submit it to a sanction according to the type of fault.

Detection of Similarity

Correspondences & Analysis Is governed by the regulations of the Law on Copyright, which is governed by Legislative Decree No. 822 of April 23, 1996, in order to safeguard the intellectual property of the authors of manuscripts submitted to arbitration.

The Research Institute verifies the originality of published articles and has an anti-plagiarism policy that ensures that all research papers are unpublished. In this sense, it uses the Turnitin software, which allows checking inappropriate citations or plagiarism by comparing it with one of the largest academic databases in the world, in order to guarantee transparency in the information and the originality of all manuscripts. This obliges the author to examine his manuscript in detail, in order to avoid plagiarism and strengthen academic integrity.

If 20% similarity is identified (in the information contained in the submitted article) with another writing, previously published in this or another journal, the editorial committee must send a written communication to the author or authors and grant them a prudent period of time. 20 calendar days, to respond to the situation and assume the respective legal responsibility, which would imply the non-publication of the text.

Ethical commitments

Correspondences & Analysis subscribes to an ethical commitment of all the actors involved in the management and publication of the articles: editorial committee, authors and reviewers of the manuscripts received, following the guidelines established by the Code of Conduct and Best Practices Guidelines for Journals Editors of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), as well as the Code of Ethics for Research of the University of San Martín de Porres (USMP).

The authors should indicate in the method section that all the data collection procedures carried out with the participants (tests, interviews, recordings, videos, etc.) have been carried out after obtaining informed consent.

Responsibilities of the Editors They

supervise the publication processes following international ethical standards, in addition to ensuring that the manuscripts are reviewed in accordance with the publication regulations.

Responsibilities of the Authors

They present results of transparent research processes, with ethical and rigorous standards. They assume responsibility for the contents of the research to be published. While the editorial process lasts, the manuscripts should not be sent to another journal. Likewise, they must indicate the source of financing and declare the conflicts of interest (when they exist).

Responsibilities of the Reviewers

Reviewers must use the Observation Survey Form objectively and rigorously within the established deadlines. Subsequently, when the journal is published, all reviewers are given their Reviewer's Certificate.

About unethical conduct

Any person can report unethical conduct in the journal to the editor and/or editorial assistant, who must pay attention to any claim, regardless of the publication time of the original. Allegations must be supported by evidence in order to initiate an investigation. All claims and allegations against unethical conduct or misconduct will be considered with the utmost seriousness.