Telecommunication companies’ tales to strengthen brand: analysis of television spots during pandemic confinement




pandemic, advertising, brand, television, Peru


The mandatory lockdown in Peru, which lasted over three months, made the telecommunication companies redefine their strategies to face the pandemic. This Project analyzes the TV spots of the three main telecommunication companies in Peru to identify their narratives, how they faced the pandemic, the audiovisual resources they had to use, and how they turned to social advertising to strengthen their brands. We worked with an analysis matrix and semi-structured interviews with marketing managers to contrast our main findings. The priority for these companies was to answer to the emergency by guaranteeing connection, which was in line with their Brand purpose, based mainly on emotional speeches and positioning themselves as solutions for their clients during the pandemic scenario. We conclude that the narratives were used as social advertising tools to strengthen brand equity, but mainly targeting their own clients.


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Author Biographies

  • James Anthony Dettleff Pallete, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Perú

    Principal professor at the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, specialist in media, memory and politics. He has a degree in Audiovisual Communication from the University of Lima, and a Master of Fine Arts from Ohio University, and a PhD in Communications from the Pontificia Universidad de Chile. His work is focused on gender and ethnic representations in audiovisual products, the construction of cultural memory in different media such as television, cinema and comics, and the influence of television platforms on Latin American production. He has been the national coordinator of the Ibero-American Observatory of Television Fiction, and is the coordinator of the Research Group-PUCP Peruvian Audiovisual Observatory. Among his latest publications are "Señal abierta" (2021), "New Technological Era, with old practices. Peruvian TV and racial representation in the XXI Century" (2021) and "The dangerous silences of memory" (2020).

  • Viviana Rivas Gonzales, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú

    Master in Marketing Management from CENTRUM PUCP and Bachelor of Advertising from the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, where she currently works as Career Director at the Faculty of Communication Arts and Sciences at PUCP and teaches courses related to creativity advertising, professional research and marketing. Her work experience covers strategic communication, advertising creativity, planning, marketing, distribution channels and customer loyalty. Her interest in academic research is focused on bringing this world closer to the commercial and corporate environment, focusing on changes in representations, sociocultural transformation, insights, education and advertising.


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How to Cite

Dettleff Pallete, J. A., & Rivas Gonzales, V. (2022). Telecommunication companies’ tales to strengthen brand: analysis of television spots during pandemic confinement. Correspondences & Analysis, 16, 179-198.

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