Ethical Considerations for Youth Treatment by the Media


  • Juan Carlos Suárez Villegas Universidad de Sevilla (España)



Youth, Media, Stereotypes, Social Order, Ethics


This article reflects on the Youth as a stage of transition and change in human life that has been interpreted, in many ways, by the Media. Young people often represent an icon of the breakdown of social order, which incurred easy to speculate on authorship in any act of criminality. On the other hand, reflects a confused image of proportion to its reality and its efforts to train and integrate into the labor market. Instead, they are used as symbols of the promise of future political messages. This ambiguity can lead to a stereotype of youth condition their perception of the elderly. This article suggests ways to improve the
image of young people in the Media.


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Author Biography

  • Juan Carlos Suárez Villegas, Universidad de Sevilla (España)

    PhD in philosophy and education sciences. He is a professor-researcher at the Faculty of Communication at the University of Seville (Spain). They emphasize their books: Ethical analysis of the information with practical cases and deontological documents (2001), the publicity with the naked. Social analysis of the Advertising Discourse (2002), the ethical limits of the television show (2006), The built woman. Communication and female identity (2006), reasons for equality. Communication and Social Minorities (2007), Protestant Reform and Freedoms in Europe (2010). Author of several articles in scientific journals.


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How to Cite

Suárez Villegas, J. C. (2011). Ethical Considerations for Youth Treatment by the Media. Correspondences & Analysis, 1, 349-368.


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