Rules for authors

Submission of manuscripts


Author's responsibility

Item Removal

Exemption Policy


Submission of manuscripts

Correspondences & analysis accepts articles and reviews of books and theses, whether written in Spanish or English, regardless of the nationality of their authors. Original and unpublished manuscripts are accepted, whose themes revolve around communication areas and related to communication sciences, in fields such as journalism, public relations, advertising and audiovisual communication.

Manuscripts must be sent to the OJS platform attaching the corresponding files in Word doc.docx format, strictly following the publication standards of the American Psychological Association - APA (Seventh edition - 2020).

Manuscripts sent for publication may be:

Empirical paper: Provides information from original and unpublished research, the result of scientific research, whose expression in articles has the usefulness of being validated and disseminated to the scientific community.

Methodological paper: They offer new contributions on approaches, updates or modifications of existing methods and techniques, whether quantitative, qualitative, mixed or statistical programs.

Theoretical paper: They present a new theory, analyze an existing one, contrast the limitations or advantages of one theory with respect to another. Its structure can be flexible, according to the author's discretion.


The author is the one who assumes scientific and ethical responsibility for the research. When authorship falls to a research team, responsibility is assumed by the first name that appears in the publication.

In the event that the manuscript is approved for its next publication, the authors retain the copyright and assign to the journal the right of publication, edition, reproduction, distribution, exhibition and communication in the country of origin, as well as in the abroad, through print and electronic media in different databases.

Therefore, it is established that after the publication of the articles, the authors may make other types of independent or additional agreements for the non-exclusive dissemination of the version of the article published in this journal (publication in books or institutional repositories), provided that it is explicitly indicated that the work has been published for the first time in this journal.

Author's responsibility

The articles and their contents, which are published in the editions of our journal, are the exclusive responsibility of the author or authors.

The rights are reserved and transferred to the magazine Correspondencias & Analysis of the Research Institute of the School of Communication Sciences of the University of San Martín de Porres (Lima, Peru), under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0).

Likewise, they must submit the 03 mandatory formats along with the manuscript:

Formato 1 - Author data.

Formato 2 - Affidavit on originality and authorization for publication of articles.

Formato 3 - Open Science Compliance.

If the manuscript is sent for correction by the external reviewers, they must correct these observations by filling out the following form: Form for collecting observations

Item Removal

To withdraw the manuscript from the editorial process, the author must formally communicate the reason for withdrawing the manuscript and wait for the editor's response to continue sending the proposal to another journal.

Exemption policy

Correspondencias &analytics magazine is not responsible for the opinions expressed, the credibility or authenticity of the works proposed by the authors in the published articles. The statements expressed in the articles belong exclusively to the authors.