Critical Discourse Analysis: Sensationalist Press in Close Cultural Contexts. Cases of Ajá (Perú) & La Cuarta (Chile)


  • Rodrigo Browne Sartori Universidad Austral de Chile
  • Julio Carvajal Rivera Universidad Austral de Chile
  • Rocío Salinas Oyarzo Universidad Austral de Chile



Intercultural Journalism, Identity, Discourse, Difference


Social communication media are understood as relevant producers of images, prejudices and stereotypes that make up a vision and identity about speeches on difference.}

This article is part of a project on information science, and investigates how intercultural reality is carried out. In this case, this is applied to the local newspapers Ajá (Perú) and La Cuarta (Chile) which are highly read in both countries. At the same time, this study allows to observe how otherness and self image are perceived, and as a consequence, the development of intercultural journalism.

The goal of these intercultural studies in the area of Communication and Journalism is definitely to set bridges among cultures, and it creates the opportunity of identifying diversity which would lead us to a better intercultural understanding and respect.


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Author Biographies

  • Rodrigo Browne Sartori, Universidad Austral de Chile

    PhD in Communication from the University of Seville (Spain). International lecturer on anthropological themes and multicultural phenomena. He is currently part of the Institute of Social Communication of the Faculty of Philosophy and humanities of the Universidad Austral de Chile. He is the author of the Book of disciplinary communication to the communication controls. The Anthropophagy as Cultural Transgression (2009) and coauthor of hybrid writings and Rizomáticas. Interstitial passages, thought of the entre, Communication and Culture (2004).

  • Julio Carvajal Rivera, Universidad Austral de Chile

    PhD from the Complutense University of Madrid (Spain). Director of the School of Journalism and member of the Institute of Social Communication of the Faculty of Philosophy and humanities of the Universidad Austral de Chile. His lines of research focus on communication and intercultural journalism. Editor of the book Information Communication and New technologies (2009). He is the author of several articles in scientific journals in Germany and Spain.

  • Rocío Salinas Oyarzo, Universidad Austral de Chile

    Journalist. Degree in Social Communication from the School of Journalism of the Universidad Austral de Chile, where he is a student of the master program in communication. He has worked at the International Networking of Education (INET) as a producer during the last Chilean presidential elections. At present, he works at the communication agency EME Chile.


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How to Cite

Browne Sartori, R., Carvajal Rivera, J., & Salinas Oyarzo, R. (2011). Critical Discourse Analysis: Sensationalist Press in Close Cultural Contexts. Cases of Ajá (Perú) & La Cuarta (Chile). Correspondences & Analysis, 1, 263-277.


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