Power and Communication in Digital Society


  • Luis Núñez Ladevéze Universidad CEU San Pablo (España)
  • Teresa Torrecillas Lacave Universidad CEU San Pablo (España)




Media, Information, Political Power, Freedom of Speech, Media Influences, Cultural Industries, Communication


The growing role of information in the digital society has reopened the debate on the relationship between political power and communication, and intensifies the concern about social and political influences of the media and the privileges of the rulers through various mechanisms to control the information. The key is to distinguish the information from the communications of the entertainment typically of cultural industry and get back on traditional values to establish criteria for both freedom of expression intrinsic to information as to demand the minimum quality of the content of communication to the entertainment.


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Author Biographies

  • Luis Núñez Ladevéze, Universidad CEU San Pablo (España)

    Doctor in law and in philosophy and letters. Emeritus professor at the Complutense University of Madrid and the CEU San Pablo University (Spain), where he heads the Institute for Democracy Studies and the journal Doxa Comunicación. It has a vast bibliographical production, where they emphasize handbook for Journalism (1991), Introduction to Journalism (1995), Ideology and Freedom (1995), morals and market in a global Society (1999), the fiction of the Social Pact (2000), Human Identities (2006), Among other titles.

  • Teresa Torrecillas Lacave, Universidad CEU San Pablo (España)

    PhD in Journalism from Universidad San Pablo CEU (Spain). She is a professor in the journalism department of the House of Studies. Secretary of editorial of Doxa communication. He is part of research groups such as CEICIN and PROCOTIN and has participated in several R & D research projects, financed from public calls, focused on the study of the different forms of reception of television audiences.


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How to Cite

Núñez Ladevéze, L., & Torrecillas Lacave, T. (2011). Power and Communication in Digital Society. Correspondences & Analysis, 1, 35-48. https://doi.org/10.24265/cian.2011.n1.03


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