Cognitive, emotional and social learning in the audiovisual area. Successful cases during the pandemic




TRIC practices, E-learning, Communication, Digital competence, Affective education, Positive learning, Pedagogy, Hybridization, Radio, Podcast, Television, Talent Show, Pandemic, COVID-19


The COVID-19 health crisis posed a new scenario for society, having a ripple effect in, academic areas; to a greater extent, the audiovisual. University entities were ahead of events and proposed TRIC practices that would serve for the times that were to come and that in many cases were ahead of now normalized actions. This research analyzes the cognitive, emotional and social learning acquired by students in quarantine and how the realization of Radio Nebrija in the radio field and Nebrija Talent in the television field, two TRIC projects based on an ABP methodology, served to configure new working models for students and new university dynamics for teachers. The change from ICT context to TRIC is exposed and through a discussion group with young students and in-depth interviews with experts in the field of teaching and learning environments. The effedtiveness od intermethodology in academic environments emerges from the research.


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Author Biographies

  • Marta Saavedra Llamas, Nebrija University

    Vice Dean of the Faculty of Communication and Arts of the Nebrija University, accredited doctor and teacher of subjects such as Communication Industries, where she analyzes the transformation of media companies and changes in audience consumption. Thus, its lines of research cover the social audience on television, the audiovisual product as a cultural identity, programming strategies and, on the other hand, professional skills in the communication sector. Coordinator of the books Social Audience: Communication strategies for media and brands and Trends in the media ecosystem.

  • Rocío Gago Gelado, Nebrija University

    Professor and professor at the Nebrija University, Graduate in Information Sciences from the Pontifical University of Salamanca and Doctor from the Rey Juan Carlos University, her lines of research are television, cinema, series, theater, cyberfeminism and professional profiles in communication. He has an extensive professional career in television in Spanish fiction series such as Los Serrano, Los hombres de Paco, El Barco, Lolita Cabaret, Águila Roja or Vis a Vis in the areas of scriptwriting, production, direction, production and editing.

  • Laura Martínez Otón, Nebrija University

    Doctor in Social Communication from CEINDO (CEU San Pablo University).Graduate in Journalism from the CEU San Pablo in Madrid. He currently directs the Master in Radio, Podcast and Digital Audio at the Nebrija University. She is a speech teacher in different courses (radio and television) and a teacher in the subject of Communication Skills: writing and public speaking, in different degrees at the Faculty of Communication and Arts of Nebrija. He is part of the INNOMEDIA research group at the Nebrija University where he focuses his research work on radio, podcasts and audio in general, in relation to the Digital Communication Society, as well as the line of digital literacy and fake news.

    He has developed his professional career in communication at Grupo COPE (1995 to 2019), Cadena 100 and Cadena COPE.

  • Andy Tavárez Pérez, Complutense University of Madrid

    Professor of Audiovisual Technology and Fiction Series at Nebrija University, Graduate in Audiovisual Communication. Master in Marketing and Digital Advertising. sHis lines of research are film direction, serial fiction and streaming platforms. Coordinator of Content, Communication and Social Networks at the Faculty of Communication and Arts. In 2015 he founded the media Previously about fiction, film and television series and is currently its co-director. He has been a specialized contributor in series on Happy FM of the El Mundo newspaper.


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How to Cite

Saavedra Llamas, M., Gago Gelado, R., Martínez Otón, L., & Tavárez Pérez, A. (2023). Cognitive, emotional and social learning in the audiovisual area. Successful cases during the pandemic. Correspondences & Analysis, 18, 121-153.
