The Body in Cognitive Linguistics. Conceptual Metaphor and Embodiment


  • Daniela Soledad Gonzalez Universidad Nacional de Cuyo (Argentina)



Cognitive Linguistics, Metaphor, Embodiment


The present work approaches the way in which Cognitive Linguistics addresses the issue of the body in relation to language, which is understood as a correlate of thought. One of the axes of language addressing that characterizes this theoretical approach is the notion of conceptual metaphor postulated by Lakoff and Johnson (2001). These authors conceive metaphor as a phenomenon of thought that is reflected in language, is omnipresent in everyday life and allows the structuring of experience. The experience to which they refer is essentially corporal. The influence of body experience in conceptualizing is called embodiment or embodied mind (Lakoff, 1987: 12).


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Author Biography

  • Daniela Soledad Gonzalez, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo (Argentina)

    Chief professor of practical works of morphology and syntax at the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters of the National University of Cuyo and doctoral research Fellow of the CONICET (National Council for Scientific and Technical research).


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How to Cite

Gonzalez, D. S. (2017). The Body in Cognitive Linguistics. Conceptual Metaphor and Embodiment. Correspondences & Analysis, 7, 187-195.

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