Presence and absence of the Spanish women's magazines in social networks. Analysis of their interactivity on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram




Women's press, social media, community, interactivity, participation


The digitalization of the women's magazines has brought with it the use of a multitude of Web 2.0 resources. The latest to appear are the social actors that, since 2006, have become the new spaces for the women's press to meet with readers. In this study we wanted to analyze, through content analysis, how the five main Spanish women's magazines Vogue, Elle, Telva, Woman and Marie Claire behave in the three social networks that are common to all of them: Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Although each social network has its own specificities, we did not find any real communities of readers or two-way interactivity on the part of the publications.  Nor have we noticed their presence in new social networks such as Tik Tok or Twitch where there is a younger audience and with which they should get involved as soon as possible


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Author Biographies

  • María Ganzabal Learreta, University of the Basque Country

    Doctor since 1996, has been a professor both in the Audiovisual Communication Department since 2003 and, since 2009, in the Journalism Department of the University of the Basque Country.
    After working in several Communication Agencies and in the American magazine New Woman (New York), she has been coordinator of the Communication Area of the Master's Degree in Feminist and Gender Studies at the University of the Basque Country and has taught classes in this postgraduate course since 2008. .
    The studies of her in multiple research teams have always been oriented towards digital journalism, social platforms, participatory journalism, audiences and social issues in addition to those related to gender. Her articles on these aspects can be seen published in magazines with a high impact rate.
    Currently, she is the academic secretary of the Department of Journalism in which she teaches subjects related to social and participatory journalism.

  • Koldobika Meso Ayerdi, University of the Basque Country

    Graduated in Journalism from the UPV/EHU and a PhD from the same University, he has been continuously participating since 2001 in projects obtained in competitive calls at an international, national and regional level, with results that have had cross-border repercussions. He currently directs the project financed by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness entitled "News, networks and users in the hybrid media system"
    In these projects, a networking system has been implemented with researchers from other Spanish, European and Latin American universities, and the creation and maintenance of public access databases has been encouraged. Specialized in the areas of cyberjournalism, educational innovation and gender, he has produced numerous publications in other languages (mainly English) and has made regular contributions at conferences.
    This intense and regular research activity around coherent lines of work has been maintained in recent years and has been combined with the position of director of the Department of Journalism (UPV / EHU), a position he has held since 2013.

  • Jesús Ángel Perez Dasilva, University of the Basque Country

    Full Professor in the Department of Journalism of the UPV/EHU. He has been vice dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Communication (2009-2012), director of the Master's Degree in Social Communication (2016-2018) and member of the University Commission for Teaching Evaluation (Docentiaz, 2016-2022).

    He has been a visiting professor at the University of Cambridge (United Kingdom, 2012) and at the University of Seville (2010). Likewise, he has participated in the Erasmus+ program of teaching mobility in the following universities: University of Trieste (Italy, 2011), University of Beira interior (Portugal, 2013), University of Porto (Portugal, 2015), University of Minho (Portugal, 2016), University of Wroclaw (Poland, 2017 and 2019).

    He is a member of the Gureiker research group (group A of the Basque university system) and has participated in 27 research activities in competitive calls, being the principal investigator in 5 of them. He is co-author of 65 scientific articles (13 Q1 and Q2 in SJR / WOS), 27 book chapters and 100 contributions in national and international conferences. In addition, he has 3 six-year terms recognized by the CNEAI. His lines of research focus on cyberjournalism, social innovation, design, journalism and social networks.

  • Terese Mendiguren Galdospin, University of the Basque Country

    Associate professor in the Department of Journalism. She has a PhD in Information Sciences from the University of the Basque Country, as a researcher she has participated in 20 projects and has published more than 30 scientific articles in prestigious journals included in databases such as JCR, SCOPUS or Dice-Cindoc. Currently, she is a member of the project "News, networks and users in the hybrid media system" (RTI2018-095775-B-C41) and of the Gureiker Consolidated Research Group (IT1112-16). Her lines of research are Journalism on the Internet and Educational Innovation and New Teaching Methodologies, which she combines with management work as Vice Dean of Communication at her Faculty.


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How to Cite

Ganzabal Learreta, M., Meso Ayerdi, K., Perez Dasilva, J. Ángel, & Mendiguren Galdospin, T. (2022). Presence and absence of the Spanish women’s magazines in social networks. Analysis of their interactivity on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Correspondences & Analysis, 16, 61-82.


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