Persuasive Television Advertising in Bakery Sector


  • Mónica Matellanes Lazo Universidad Europea Miguel de Cervantes (España)



Persuasive Communication, Advertising, Children’s Pastry, Television, Message, PAOS Code


In recent years, a great diversity of new products has emerged in the sector of children’s pastries, but there are others that have long been in our daily lives. In spite of being more those that have failed than those that are maintained, it is crucial to analyze how its advertising has evolved over time, knowing how to adapt to the tastes of different generations of consumers. There has clearly been a movement of concern and awareness among the customers and consumers about the ingredients that make up the food, and because of the change in attitude and the proliferation of consumer rights associations, there has been an evolution in this type of products, both at the production level and at the communicative level. Through the content analysis of the messages from their spots and a discussion analysis, a comparative study of the same between the years of the eighties and the last years has been made to see their evolution.


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Author Biography

  • Mónica Matellanes Lazo, Universidad Europea Miguel de Cervantes (España)

    PhD from the University of Valladolid and a degree in communication sciences from the Complutense University of Madrid. Master in marketing and commercial management at the Business & Marketing School (ESIC) in Madrid. She is currently an associate professor at the European University Miguel de Cervantes in Valladolid (Spain). Lecturer and guest teacher at universities in Portugal and the United Kingdom, she is the author of several scientific articles on communication in the wine sector.


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How to Cite

Matellanes Lazo, M. (2017). Persuasive Television Advertising in Bakery Sector. Correspondences & Analysis, 7, 79-94.


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