Publication rules

Acceptance of originality

Open access policies

Policies on the use of digital object identifiers

Policy for the use of technology and added value to the user

Journal License

Self-Archiving Policy

Arbitration system: peer evaluation

Response time



Posting Frequency

Payments for publication processing

Rejection rate


Acceptance of originality

The collaborations received must be unpublished and original, whose themes revolve around the areas of communication sciences. The material will be subjected to a peer review process (double blind) for approval and subsequent publication.

If a similiarity or literal reproduction of the work is found in other previous publications, the author will be permanently excludes from successive calls and editions of the journal.

Open access policies

The journal Correspondencias &analytics adheres to the Budapest para el acceso abierto publicado en el 2002, without restrictions on its content without embargo period, under the principle that collaborative work contributes to the global exchange and production of knowledge, at the service of social development, which allows the user to access, read, download, share, print, save or use any document and/or information on the Internet without financial, legal or technical barriers. Likewise, it subscribes to the Declaración BOAI 2002 and its permanent updates.

Likewise, it adheres to the principles of transparency and best practices of COPE scientific publications and adheres to the DORA Declaration on Research Assessment. Articles published by Correspondences & Analysis can be shared under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licencia Creative Commons Atribución 4.0 Internacional (CC BY 4.0). This allows sharing (copying and redistributing the material in any medium or format) and adaptation (remixing, transforming and building on the material) for any purpose, even commercial.

Free. There are no shipping, processing or publishing costs for authors. Readers have free and open access to articles immediately after publication.

Policies on the use of digital object identifiers

All articles accepted and published in the journal Correspondences & Analysis are assigned a persistent identifier DOI.

Policy for the use of technology and added value to the user

The journal's website has efficient navigability on the Open Journal System platform. Which allows quick access to articles in a maximum of three clicks.

As an added value, the magazine offers users the summary and abstract of the articles in multimedia (mp3); Likewise, it promotes the articles, calls and information related to the magazine through academic or scientific information networks or channels such as: mendeley,, blog, linkedin, twitter, entre otros.

Advertising, direct marketing and communication Advertising, direct marketing and communication


Correspondences & analysis only carries out advertising clearly related to the magazine and its articles.


All dissemination and promotion of the magazine will be communicated through its official channels, which are the following:



OJS: Notices Section:

Direct marketing:

Correspondences & analysis periodically makes personal invitations to prominent communicators so that they can participate as authors or reviewers. It also makes calls through posters or notices that are published on its official channels, which are:

  • In the Notices Section of the OJS platform. 

  • Official Twitter

  • LinkedIn

Self-archiving policies

The author can share, disseminate and disseminate his published manuscripts through the different media (academic social networks, repositories and portals) available on the web. During the editorial review process, the journal will deliver to the author the previous versions (post-print) which should NOT be disclosed by any means of dissemination, it is only for personal (private) use and for final approval purposes. Correspondences & analysis, will send the author the final version of the article (published version) in PDF to be shared, disseminated and disseminated by the media.After the publication of the articles, the authors may make other types of independent and/or additional agreements for the non-exclusive dissemination of the version of the article published in this journal, provided that it is indicated with the respective reference that the manuscript has been published for the first time in this magazine. Digital preservation It is a set of processes and activities that ensure that information that now exists in digital formats is preserved and distributed to ensure continued long-term access. Correspondencias &analytics magazine has established a preservation policy for its digital files that includes the following measures: Backup: The magazine has the support of the Technical Support services of the Faculty of Communication Sciences, Tourism and Psychology of the USMP. Storage on magnetic media: Internally it has storage on external hard drives that update their content quarterly.Long-term preservation: The journal participates in the LOCKSS initiative of the PKP-PLN Public Knowledge Project, which generates a decentralized storage system distributed among collaborating libraries, to create permanent archives of the journal, with the purpose of preserving the original version authenticity of the content for conservation and restoration purposes. Legal Preservation: According to Peruvian laws: The Copyright Law DL. 822, Law No.13714 and the Universal Copyright Convention and Annexed Protocols No. 01 and 02 of July 24, 1971. Likewise, the complete collection of the magazine is deposited in PDF, HTML, XML, EPUB formats, in the OJS and in the and Mendeley profiles. This information has been created for the journal Correspondences & Analysis and can be shared under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0).

Journal licenses

It is distributed free of charge under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License (CC BY 4.0).

Self-archiving policies

The author can share, disseminate and disseminate his published manuscripts through the different media (academic social networks, repositories and portals) available on the web.

During the editorial review process, the journal will deliver to the author the previous versions (post-print) which should NOT be disclosed by any means of dissemination, it is only for personal (private) use and for final approval purposes.

Correspondences & analysis, will send the author the final version of the article (published version) in PDF to be shared, disseminated and disseminated by the media.

After the publication of the articles, the authors may make other types of independent and/or additional agreements for the non-exclusive dissemination of the version of the article published in this journal, provided that it is indicated with the respective reference that the manuscript has been published for the first time in this journal.

Arbitration system: peer evaluation

The authors are informed, in a timely manner, of the submission of the article through the journal's management platform (OJS) or via email.

In the first instance, the manuscripts received are evaluated by the Scientific Council, considering the topic, form and relevance of the article (10 calendar days). If they do not meet the criteria required by the magazine, they will not be able to continue with the editorial process. On the other hand, if they meet the requirements, the manuscript continues the evaluation process.

In the second instance, the articles are sent to two external evaluators, considered experts on the subject, having a maximum of 30 days to submit their reports, using an article evaluation format. This evaluation work is carried out under the peer modality (double blind). The reviewers are sent the article without the identity of the authors or any other information that refers to them. In the event that there is no coherence between the evaluations, a third evaluation is carried out, following the same double-blind scheme. The evaluators will carry out their work under the criteria of confidentiality and impartiality.

Once the evaluation of the manuscript has been completed, the author receives a notification of the peer's opinion, where the observations, comments and/or suggestions issued by them are indicated verbatim. Said opinion is sent with one of the following notifications:

  • Approved

  • Recommended with occasional changes

  • Conditioned

  • Refused

In those cases in which the article is approved with modifications, the author receives suggestions and comments made by the evaluators and has a maximum of 15 days (from the delivery of the evaluation) to make the adjustments and send the corrected version to the Editor. , attaching a report detailing the corrections made.

The Editorial Committee verifies the incorporation of the changes and if it considers it pertinent, sends the text again to the peer reviewer for their respective verification. The final decision on the publication of the article is subject to the agreement of the academic peer and the editorial committee regarding the inclusion of the modifications requested from the author. Finally, the article is reviewed by a copy editor. Once the edition has been made, the proof of printing of the article is sent to the author for approval within the indicated period (10 days), specifying if there are any changes.

If they do not agree with the evaluations, the authors can make the relevant clarifications and justification and then send the text again to the peers for the final opinion. The magazine reserves the right to edit the texts, without changing the meaning of the article.

The content of the texts, tables, figures and images included in the material to be published are the exclusive responsibility of the authors. Likewise, the article does not necessarily reflect the thinking of the editorial board. Acceptance does not imply immediate publication. The magazine reserves the rights to publication dates.

Response time

The authors receive a response indicating the result of the evaluation of their article in an average of 4 to 8 months from the submission of the manuscript. Authors can track their article through the OJS platform and can make queries through the journal's email.


After collecting observations and scope, the articles are diagrammed in PDF format for publication in the corresponding issue. The articles present the dates of receipt, acceptance and publication on the first page.


Once the article is published, it is suggested that the authors guarantee the dissemination of their manuscript through the media so that their work reaches a wider audience. Some recommendations are the following: upload your article to ResearchGate,, Mendeley, entre otros.

Post Frequency

Correspondences & Analysis is a biannual publication (two issues per year). The first issue covers the months of January – June. The second issue covers the months of July –  December.

Payments for publication processing

Articles published in this journal have no submission, processing or publication cost for the authors.

Rejection rate

The rejection rate of Correspondences & analysis is greater than 70% of articles per issue.

Rejection  rate
Núm. 18 (2022-II)


Núm. 17 (2022-I)


Núm. 16 (2022-II)


Núm. 15 (2022-I)


Núm. 14 (2021-II)


Núm. 13 (2021-I)


Núm. 12 (2020-II)


Núm. 11 (2020-I)


Núm. 10 (2019-II)


Núm. 09 (2019-I)


Núm. 08 (2018)


