Rural Mexican youth in migration and their self-recognition through jaripeo in sociodigital media




jaripeo, immigration, digital media, identity, transnational community


This academic paper is a research report which inquires the conditions of Mexican rural youth in migration status and their own capacities of building social cohesion through technological mediations. In this work it is analyzed a podcast interview, in which, both participants have tight relation with rural life in Mexico, the migrant life in United States and the jaripero show business. This is an exploratory research with a qualitative approach that uses virtual ethnography as an auxiliary method of research, as well, a variety of collection and information analysis information techniques are used in order to relate the cultural practice and the dimensions of community, social cohesion, transnationality, inclusion and preservation of the language in Mexican migrants.


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Author Biographies

  • Araceli Enríquez Ovando, Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo

    PhD in Linguistics from the National Autonomous University of Mexico. She is a full-time research professor at the Faculty of Letters at the Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo, Mexico. She is currently a representative of the "Communication and Discourse" Academic Body, recognized by the Program for Teacher Professional Development (PRODEP). Member of the National System of Researchers. Her main lines of research are the relationship between language and daily life, as well as the academic writing of university students. She is the author of the book Behind… or behind…? Prepositive locutions of location in Mexican Spanish (2011) and one of the authors of the book Pragmatic Production of Academic Texts (2019), published by UNAM. She participated as coordinator of the books Communication and everyday speeches (2021) and Mastery of Spanish for university students: challenges and perspectives (2017). She has participated as a speaker at various national and international conferences and is the author of various articles and book chapters.

  • Alberto Farías Ochoa, Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo

    Doctor of Education with orientation in Information Technologies for Education. National Pedagogical University, Mexico.

    Member of the National System of Researchers of Mexico.
    Coordinator of the Bachelor of Communication at the Michoacana University of San Nicolás de Hidalgo (2014-2022).

    Professor and full-time associate researcher attached to the Faculty of Letters of the Michoacana University of San Nicolás de Hidalgo.

    Honorary Member of the Chair of Teaching and Research of the Spanish Language of the University of Matanzas, Cuba.

    Member of the Mexican Association of Communication Researchers (AMIC) in which he collaborates mainly in the Communication Education research group.

    Member of the Academic Body of "Communication and Discourse" (in consolidation), recognized by PRODEP.


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How to Cite

Enríquez Ovando, A., & Farías Ochoa, A. (2023). Rural Mexican youth in migration and their self-recognition through jaripeo in sociodigital media. Correspondences & Analysis, 17, 139-161.


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