The visual essay: rethingking communications from Hybridity


  • Orietta Marquina Vega Pontificia Universidad Católica del (Perú)
  • Gabriela Núñez Murillo Pontificia Universidad Católica del (Perú)
  • Valeri Hernani Valderrama Pontificia Universidad Católica del (Perú)



Visual Essay, Photo Essay, Visual Culture, Practice-Led research, Multisensorial Communication, Hybrid Research, Visual Thinking, Aesthetics and Communication


This article reflects on visual essay as a research instrument within social communication, which builds meaning from the visual, linking ideas, emotions and affects, and contributes to build an inclusive public sphere at the service of the public good, within visual culture. Its hybrid nature intertwines visual and verbal language, which, unlike other visual and audiovisual products, allows argumentation and to build a thought that includes subjectivity, but also to the Other. It is from this relationship with the Other that proposes a way of learning and interacting with reality as something different, according to sensitivities that aestheticization of social communication demands, and obtains its truth from the intersubjectivity with which it is constructed.


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Author Biographies

  • Orietta Marquina Vega, Pontificia Universidad Católica del (Perú)

    Student in anthropology, master in Education and economist By the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru (PUCP). Teacher Communications Department and Group member of research communication, art and Culture (CAC) of the Pucp. She was director of the Visual arts program (ENSABAP). Co-author of the book Communication and design at the Printed press. (2016), among other publications. Currently Research and advise on curricular issues in education Superior, visual culture and artistic creative processes.

  • Gabriela Núñez Murillo, Pontificia Universidad Católica del (Perú)

    PhD in communications and master in Hispanic literature By the University of Pittsburgh (United States). Master In communications and Bachelor of Philosophy from the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru (PUCP). Full-time teacher In the communications Department of the PUCP. Belongs to the CAC Research Group (communication, Art and culture) of the Pucp. Has published the book Oral cultures and written cultures "
    (2015) and José María Arguedas through their letters "(2018).

  • Valeri Hernani Valderrama, Pontificia Universidad Católica del (Perú)

    Student of the speciality of Audiovisual communication of The Pontifical Catholic University of Peru (PUCP). Belongs to the Research group communication, art, and Culture (CAC) of The PUCP. Winner of the Research Support program (PAIN) 2017 from the same university. Screenwriter and playwright Winner of the Peruvian new dramaturgy national competition 2017 of the Ministry of Culture of Peru and the XVII contest of Audiovisual projects 2018 of the Faculty of Sciences and Arts Of the communication of the PUCP.


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How to Cite

Marquina Vega, O., Núñez Murillo, G., & Hernani Valderrama, V. (2018). The visual essay: rethingking communications from Hybridity. Correspondences & Analysis, 8, 165-194.

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