About the Journal



Purpose of the magazine

Cultural and social and economic relevance

Focus and scope


Target audiences

Journal type

ISSN number


Periodicity and publication frequency


Acceptance rate





Correspondencias & Análisis is a social communication journal that publishes original and unpublished papers in communication and related areas. The research is framed in a context where media undergoes a series of technological changes in the production of their messages, characteristic of the information society. The mission of the journal is to become a source of academic research in social communication at a national and international levels, contributing to the creation of knowledge about the situation in Peru, as well as the global reality. Its vision is to be the most readable and trustful source of academic knowledge, facilitating the contents of manuscripts in the field of social communication at a national and international scales.


Correspondences & analysis is a semiannual journal of the Research Institute of the Professional School of Communication Sciences at the Universidad San Martín de Porres. It was created in 2011, when it published its first issue. From the beginning, the journal set out to deepen in four well-defined fields (journalism, public relations, advertising and audiovisual communication) that correspond to the research lines of the Institute, without neglecting the various sociological, anthropological, linguistic, aesthetic, political and technological aspect related to media.

In 2013, Correspondences & Analysis achieved indexing on the portal of Dissemination of Hispanic Scientific Production (DIALNET) and in the Regional System of Online Information for Scientific Journals in Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal. (LATINDEX). Likewise, it is included in the Ibero-American Network of Innovation and Scientific Knowledge (REDIB).

In 2017, Correspondences & Analysis enters the Directory of Scientific and University Resources in Open Acess (ROAD); the Public Knowledge Project index (PKP/INDEX); and the Information Matrix for the Analysis of Journal (MIAR). In 2018, the journal entered the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ).

Starting in 2019, due to editorial growth, the journal's periodicity changed from annual to semiannual, publishing two issues per year (January-June and July-December), and the license was changed to Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License (CC BY 4.0). Since the launch of the first semiannual issue (No. 09), Correspondencias & Análisis is only available in electronic format, with full and free texts available.

In 2024, starting with issue No. 19, the journal transitions to the continuous publication format to streamline its editorial processes.

Purpose of the magazine

The purpose of Correspondencias & Analysis is to disseminate new knowledge in the areas of journalism, advertising, public relations, and audiovisual communication, with the aim of presenting quality research regardless of its place of origin. It also seeks to become a showcase for researchers, teachers, students, and various members of the scientific community to access as authors and readers in a free, reliable, and updated manner.

Cultural, social and economic relevance

This journal is a space dissemination of specialized research in communication sciences whose cultural relevance lies in contributing to quality academic and scientific studies. From different perspectives, this studies continually highlight the close relationship between communication and culture as two aspects of the same reality. At the same time, its social relevance lies in its role as a journal promoting scientific development, aware that all progress in communication studies aims for the direct benefit of society, whose indispensable link is intersubjectivity. Finally, as a source of scientific knowledge, its economic relevance lies in the scientific proposals that contribute directly and indirectly to the economic progress of the local environment and global society.

Focus and scope

Correspondences & Analysis is a peer-reviewed scientific publication dedicated to the study of social communication. Through indexing, the journal aims to establish itself as a significant global reference for students and professionals in the social and human sciences.

The journal welcomes original and innovative contributions related to advertising, journalism, audiovisual communication, and public relations in both Spanish and English. It also contributes to the improvement of communicative practice through deontological reflections, development proposals, and the generation of new theory and methodologies with cutting-edge topics. The journal is an open publication that accepts contributions from students, teachers, researchers, and qualified professionals working in the field of communication sciences, both within and outside of Peru. All papers are published after blind peer review.

It is published online semiannually, does not accept any type of advertising, and is freely accessible.


Correspondences & Analysis publishes research papers, theoretical manuscripts and methodological papers centered around the study of communication sciences:

Journalism (analogic and digital media).
Public relations.
Audiovisual communication.
Population, communication and sustainable development.

The paper may also focus on sociological, anthropological, linguistic, aesthetics, political and/or technological aspects related to mass media, its impact on society, the construction of meaning in media, content analysis, as well as current events and changes in communication practices.

Target audiences

The Research Institute brings together teachers, academics and professionals dedicated to fundamental topics for understanding the national and international media reality, analized in light of various sociological, anthropological, linguistic, aesthetic, political and technological aspects related to the media. and its impact on society.

The target audience is undergraduate and postgraduate students, university professors, researchers, and professionals in social and human sciences interested in the field of communication sciences.

Journal type

This is an open-access and full-text journal. There is no manuscript submission fee (ASC) or article processing charge (APC). All papers are distributed freely under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License (CC BY 4.0). All manuscripts undergo the peer-review system: double-blind peer review evaluation.

ISSN number

ISSN (print): 2224-235X

ISSN (online): 2304-2265


Mg. Alejandro Nuñez Alberca

Periodicity and frequency of publication

Correspondencias & Análisis is published twice a year (two issues per year). The first issue covers the months of January – June. The second issue covers the months of July – December.

In 2024, starting with issue 19, the journal has adopted a policy of continuous frequency.


The Correspondencias &analytics journal is edited and fully financed by the Research Institute of the Professional School of Communication Science at the Universidad de San Martín de Porres. It does not charge any fees to authors for receiving articles, processing, nor publishing article. It is an open access publication.

Acceptance rate

The acceptance rate is around 30%. The journal publishes a minimum of 16 and a maximum of 20 articles per year.


The official language of publication of articles is Spanish. Exceptionally, contributions can be accepted in other languages such as English and Portuguese may be accepted.
